Here is some American slang that Americans actually use!

As someone learning English, it is sometimes hard to keep up with all the new words that you are hearing. This is especially true when it comes to American slang, which you might not learn in class, but that English-speaking natives use very regularly in day-to-day conversations.

I have made a list of different words and phrases that you might hear a lot when speaking to people from the US. I hope you find this useful, and I hope that you use these words to help you sound more like a native.



When used in a casual conversation “Extra” means that something is over the top, dramatic, attention-seeking


“Why would you wear heels to school, that’s so extra!”



Used to speak about something (usually food) that is really good


“These french fries are bussin’”



Stylish clothes (used to talk about someone who has good style)


“David has really good drip”

And if what you want is to learn even more and perfect your skills in the language, do not hesitate to contact us. At Studio 3 we have courses for all levels!